The Third China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo has achieved fruitful results 第三届中非经贸博览会硕果累累



The Third China-Africa Economic and

Trade Expo has achieved fruitful results



第三届中非经贸博览会, 已于2023年6月29日至7月2日在湖南长沙成功召开。6月29日举行了盛大的开幕式,并于7月2日落下了帷幕。

The Third China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo was successfully held in Changsha, Hunan Province from June 29 to July 2, 2023. A grand opening ceremony was held on June 29, and the curtain came to an end on July 2.





Vice President Han Zheng attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. President Ravi Chakwila, President Mwini of Zanzibar of Tanzania, Secretary-General of the African Continental Free Trade Area Mene, and more than 1,000 representatives from 68 countries and regions attended the opening ceremony.





Han Zheng said that the establishment of the China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo is a major cooperation measure with Africa personally approved by President Xi Jinping. In the past ten years, no matter how the international situation changes, China and Africa have always been sincere, friendly, united and cooperative, and have achieved fruitful results, benefiting the broad masses of Chinese and African people. China is willing to provide new opportunities for Africa with Chinese-style modernization and China's high-quality development, promote China-Africa practical cooperation in depth and solidity, continue to develop in an all-round, multi-level and high-quality manner, and build a closer China-Africa community with a shared future.






This year's expo brings together the Chinese and African governments, localities, think tanks, enterprises, financial institutions and other forces, 53 African countries that have diplomatic relations with China, 12 international organizations such as the United Nations Industrial Development Organization and the African Union, 30 domestic provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, and more than 1,700 people. Chinese and African enterprises, nearly 130 ministerial officials from African countries, ambassadors to China, and heads of international organizations attended the expo. There were 1,700 foreign guests and over 10,000 domestic guests. The scale of participation was the largest ever.



The theme of this expo is "seeking common development and sharing the future", and for the first time, China-Africa high-quality joint construction of the "Belt and Road" Achievement Exhibition and China-Africa Women's Innovation and Entrepreneurship Achievement Exhibition were set up.




At the China (Hunan) Pilot Free Trade Zone Changsha Area's Cooperation and Innovation Achievements Conference with Africa, the Changsha Area released eight major innovations in cooperation with Africa. At the high-end seminar on China-Africa economic and trade in-depth cooperation, a series of research results were presented to the public for the first time.



At the expo, "good things from Africa" were well received, and "Made in China"was widely favored. Market demand contains a broad space for cooperation.


During the expo, the General Administration of Customs released the "China-Africa Trade Index" for the first time, showing the achievements of China-Africa trade development in an all-round way, providing a scientific basis for the government departments to formulate comprehensive trade policies, and providing information support for the business decision-making of import and export enterprises. Help China-Africa economic and trade cooperation reach a new level.


为期四天的“第三届中非经贸博览会”取得了丰硕的成果。 共签约项目120个、金额103亿美元,中非经贸合作潜力无限、大有可为。


The four-day "Third China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo" has achieved fruitful results. A total of 120 projects were signed with a value of 10.3 billion US dollars. China-Africa economic and trade cooperation has unlimited potential and great promise.



This expo has achieved full coverage of participation from 53 African countries that have established diplomatic relations with China. The number of on-site buyers and professional visitors reached 9,000, and the number of visitors exceeded 100,000. Nearly 1,600 categories of commodities from African countries participated in the exhibition, an increase of 166% over the previous session. The number of exhibitors reached 1,500, an increase of 70% over the previous session.




At this expo, the signing and docking projects in the fields of agriculture, energy, and service trade have grown rapidly, and China-Africa economic and trade cooperation has shown new highlights. China-Africa economic and trade cooperation will also continue to extend from traditional trade and engineering construction to digital, green, financial and other fields.

盛会落幕之日亦是重启之时。我们坚信,中非经贸博览会一定会越办越好、更上一层楼,中非各国 - -共同谱写新篇章,共赴美好新未来。

The day when the grand event comes to an end is also the time to restart. We firmly believe that the China Africa Economic and Trade Expo will continue to improve and take it to the next level. All countries in China and Africa will work together to write a new chapter and strive for a better future.