Companies offering high pay to lure graduates

 An aerial photo of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area on Aug 23, 2021. (PHOTO / VCG)

( Recommended by Selena Xie - Xie Yanmei )   Companies in the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone on Hengqin island in the Zhuhai special economic zone are offering an annual compensation of up to 700,000 yuan ($103,700) to recruit postdoctoral graduates from the University of Macao.

During a job fair held at the university, more than 28 companies and research institutes in the zone listed a total of 500 jobs for graduates, master's degree graduates, doctoral degree holders and postdoctoral graduates.

In addition to high annual salaries, some companies and research institutes are providing living subsidies ranging from 20,000 to 300,000 yuan for specialists or high-end talent

Of those jobs, more than 40 come with an annual salary of more than 400,000 yuan, equivalent to the annual income of local senior white collar workers.

In addition to high annual salaries, some companies and research institutes are providing living subsidies ranging from 20,000 to 300,000 yuan for specialists or high-end talent.

Li Ziwei, director of the economic development bureau of the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone, said the zone has always regarded talent as a strategic resource to promote the moderately diversified development of Macao's economy.

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The zone is expecting to implement a talent policy to get graduates from Macao to participate in the construction and development process of the zone and share development opportunities, Li said.

"The cooperation zone has continuously and actively improved the talent development environment, created a talent development platform and cooperated with Macao to implement the talent development plan since it was established," he said.

The zone will continue to deepen talent exchanges and recruitment from universities in Macao in the months ahead, he added, to create strong attraction for talented graduates, make good use of talent resources, provide sustainable talent support for the development of the cooperation zone and better promote high-quality integrated development between Hengqin island and Macao.