The Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council "Seminar for Principals of Chinese Schools" UAE Overseas Chinese Delegation visited the Xiamen Municipal Serv

作者:陈凉- Chen Liang; 谢燕美- Selena Xie 来源:原创- Original 时间:2023-08-01 分类:



The Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council

"Seminar for Principals of Chinese Schools" UAE Overseas Chinese Delegation visited the Xiamen Municipal Service Center



报道Reported by:陈凉-Chen Liang; 翻译Translated by:谢燕美-Selena Xie



Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council "Seminar for Principals

         of Chinese Schools" UAE Overseas Chinese Delegation and Xiamen Municipal Officials



On July 26, 2023, the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the "Chinese School Principals Seminar" Emirati overseas Chinese delegation arrived at the Xiamen Municipal Service Center for a visit. The Xiamen municipal staff warmly received the delegation and had a discussion in the "Women's Civilization Post" conference hall on the third floor of the municipal service hall.




It is reported that Bai Yihai, the leader of the UAE Overseas Chinese Mission, was recommended by the UAE Cultural and Educational Association and invited by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office, , went to Huaqiao University in Xiamen, China to study how to combine Chinese martial arts to open civil and martial arts schools overseas.


Bai Yihai also brought the good news that Prince Qasimi of Shaikh of UAE will visit and invest in China in August. The prince is an investment committee member of the UAE Sports Commission, and the delegation will also bring more China-UAE friendship city joint construction projects.



 Qasimi, Prince of Shaikh, United Arab Emirates

 谢赫 穆罕默德 朱玛 卡西米王子(Shaikh Mohammed Jamal Al Qasimi)是“阿拉伯联合酋长国(The United Arab Emirates)”卡西米皇室王子。卡西米是中东最古老的皇室,自古以来管理阿联酋两个酋长国,沙迦和拉丝海马。卡西米王子的父亲是沙迦副酋长,市政厅主席,母亲是迪拜皇室成员。叔父是“阿拉伯联合酋长国”副总统兼总理、其堂哥为“太子”王储,卡西米家族和沙特阿拉伯,科威特,卡塔尔皇室都有联姻。


Shaikh Mohammed Jamal Al Qasimi is the Prince of the Qasimi Royal Family of "The United Arab Emirates". Qasimi is the oldest royal family in the Middle East, and has managed the two emirates of the United Arab Emirates, Sharjah and Ras Al Khaimah since ancient times.


Prince Qasimi's father is the deputy sheikh of Sharjah, the chairman of the city hall, and his mother is a member of the Dubai royal family. His uncle is the vice president and prime minister of the "United Arab Emirates", and his cousin is the crown prince of the "Prince". The Kasimi family has intermarriages with the royal families of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Qatar.


 2006 年,卡西米王子创立了一家面向全球能源、银行金融、旅游地产、顶级酒店、体育文化,AI 和元宇宙技术进行投资的集团。该集团现在在阿联酋有 46 家企业。 卡西米王子也是世界著名的投资家、金融家、社会活动家及慈善家。其家族掌控的阿联酋多个皇室基金,房地产公司和“中东最大水泥厂”,资产总规模达到了 7000 亿美元(约合人民币 5 万亿元)。位居阿拉伯皇室家族前五名。卡西米王子还在数十家私营和公共组织担任关键职位:现担任阿联酋体育委员会投资委员。王子特别非常喜欢中国文化,他非常期待未来的中阿合作更上一个台阶。


In 2006, Prince Qasimi founded a group that invests in global energy, banking finance, tourism real estate, top hotels, sports culture, AI and Metaverse technology. The group currently has 46 companies in the UAE. Prince Qasimi is also a world-renowned investor, financier, social activist and philanthropist.


His family controls a number of UAE royal funds, real estate companies and "the largest cement plant in the Middle East", with a total asset size of 700 billion US dollars (about 5 trillion yuan). Among the top five Arab royal families.Prince Qasimi also holds key positions in dozens of private and public organisations: he is currently an investment member of the UAE Sports Council. The prince is particularly fond of Chinese culture and looks forward to further cooperation between China and the United Arab Emirates in the future.



Director Chen Liang and Principal Bai Yihai, the leader of the UAE Overseas Chinese Corps



Chen Liang, who has been assisting President Bai Yihai in running schools in the Middle

East for many years, works as the chief director of the Media Center of the China Finance and Political Research Association in Beijing, China, and also serves as the executive dean of the Overseas Chinese Research Institute of Northwest University.


He exchanged cooperation intentions with Xiamen municipal staff on the main theme of cultural promotion and overseas Chinese affairs, and the results of the negotiation made everyone very satisfied.




Members of the UAE Overseas Chinese Mission, Xia Congming and Xie Yanmei - Selena Xie, also attended this work meeting.



会议 - - During the meeting

报道Reported by陈凉- Chen Liang

翻译translated by:谢燕美- Selena Xie

主编 Editor in chief : 谢燕美- Selena Xie